• 707-472-7001

Rolfing Massage in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties

When the body gets working appropriately, the force of Gravity can flow through. Then, simultaneously, the body can heal itself. 

Rolf Method Bodywork offers the ten session structural integration process of re-educating the body through movement and touch. It’s systematically releases patterns of stress and impaired function. After the ten session process, the client then continues to come for advanced maintenance/repair and or personal growth sessions . It is the post ten session work, that people find their full potential as their most powerful true self.  

massage and rolfing mendocino and sonoma county

Deep Tissue bodywork!

Structural Integration is a deep tissue bodywork form that optimizes alignment, balance and posture in the human body. Compensatory patterns release while pain and injuries disappear. Practitioners use fingers, knuckles and elbow to slowly “iron” the tissue. Slow ironing differentiates it from massage; massage uses oil or lotion to slide and glide on top of the muscles. Tired tissue can be like a dry compressed sponge. The ironing process is like adding water to the sponge allowing tissues to soften, rehydrate and expand, giving it tensile strength.

what type of posture do you have